Raven Bowl
$150.00 CAD
This master artist carves all the designs into the ceramic and uses brilliant paints to finish his pieces. This bowl shows a raven wrapped around the outside. Painted in red and black it compliments the soft white background beautifully.
- The raven is a large bird, with blue – black or jet black plumage, often mistaken for a crow, but is much larger. Ravens are infamous for thievery and for mischievously moving objects from one place to another.
- He is the original organizer, trickster, transformer, teacher, catalyst and chief spirit. He is also a relentless schemer and practical joker, lustful, impulsive, cunning, shameless and without remorse.
- Raven has the power of prophecy in Haida, He is also called “Nakilslas, or Nanagkilstlas,meaning ” He-whose-voice Is- True”