Baby Raven in Cradle

$4,500.00 CAD


Created by a master artist, this sculpture has five pieces which all fit together or can be arranged otherwise. Starting with this beautifully carved cradle it has a bear face on the front and back, and a wolf on the side. The raven is removable and can be positioned to sit at the edge of the table or chair. It is carved in a lot of detail. There is a baby raven mounted on the top of the head looking backwards. The raven has two removable arms and has a toy to play with. It has a small eagle mask, carved with lots of detail. It has a white feather design on top of its head, and a human hand. This toy fits exactly on the lap of the raven and in between his hands. Aside of his toy there is a beautiful sun mask which is carved all around as well. It is shaped and has four rays. If you look at the back side it is like another sun mask, this time the face is flat and even with the rays. All is carved with lots of detail, painted in nice colours. The sun mask fits perfectly in front of the legs of the raven and in between the headboard of the crate. It is comparable to a puzzle all piece can be attached.

SKU: 4480-MTB Category: Artist:

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30 x 16 x 24 in


