3″ Dream Catcher

$20.00 CAD$25.00 CAD


One of the most beautiful stories in American Indian Mythology. It is said that both good dreams and bad dreams circulate in the night air. The loop, its center woven in a web-like pattern, allows the good dreams to pass through the web into the sleeper, but makes bad dreams become entangled in the web, where they perish at the first light of dawn.

Each piece has a different kind of semi precious stones. All stones has its own characteristic and represent our connection to Mother Earth.

Amethyst– Intuition

Turquoise– Friendship

Hematite- Calm

Tiger’s eye -Balance

Clear Quartz- Energy

Red Gold Stone -Vitality


$25.00 CAD
SKU: 5779-SDC Category: Artist:

Additional information




Feathers, Semi Precious Stones, Quartz, Leathers, Metal hooop,Beads



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