Josy Thomas

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Josy Thomas occupies the space at the intersections of traditional Haudenosaunee roles and responsibilities and the expectations of the mainstream Canadian society. His art reflects the multiple influences that intersect at the point in space and time that he occupies as a 21st century Haudenosaunee man, father, brother, son and grandson. Born and raised in Oshweken, Josy Thomas has lived with the repercussions of colonialism on individuals all his life. It was inevitable that his art would eventually find itself at the crossroads between the past, the present and the future.
The journey of Truth and Reconciliation, we are all on, has raised awareness about the true Canadian history and how Indigenous people have been treated. Many artists have depicted historical events from an Indigenous perspective; Josy Thomas takes his audience into his world and shows them how individuals have experience it; how they feel.
Twisted Spirit expresses the impact of colonialism on Indigenous people from the first person. By telling his personal story, Josy promotes understanding, breaks down stereotypes and makes the conversation real. The audience feels what he feels, right now, when he interacts with his family and community and when he interacts with the mainstream community.
Twisted Spirit sparks meaningful conversations that go beyond stereotypes, preconceived notions and misunderstood cultural differences. Twisted Spirit is as immediate and concrete as one can get; Josy delivers his whole truth, as he lives it, every day, raw and powerful.
The Twisted Spirit series is a journey within the psyche of a Haudenosaunee Faith Keeper and Artist living in interesting times and working to promote respectful understanding.
He is a Spirit carver, his sculptures are a collaboration between the artist and the stone.