Eric Parnell

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Eric was born in the village of Prince Rupert, on the North coast of British Columbia, in 1961. He grew up in Masset, Haida Gwaii, where he learned the traditional forms of Haida art, and watched up and coming carvers and artists beginning their careers.

Eric says, “my passion for the art came early, but my career came late”. In 2002, while living in Vancouver, he ran into some old friends now enjoying established careers as artists, and with their help began to put into practice all that he’d learned as a youth. His drawings and paintings can now be found in many galleries in Vancouver. He retells the traditional stories and portrays crest symbols with precise details and exceptionally fine lines.

“I am committed to expressing our culture through my art. I am proud to be part of the revival and continuity of my people’s traditions”

-Eric Parnell

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